IDM UltraSentry - мощная программка по удалению следов пребывания на компьютере и полному разрушению чувствительной инфы. Затирает свободное место на диске и очищает файл подкачки, историю всех фаворитных браузеров, cookies, очищает почту, работая с Outlook и Outlook Express и навечно удаляет файлы в Microsoft Office. Многопроходно для полного удаления хаотически перезаписывает файлы во временных системных и веб папках, корзине, историю браузеров, cookie, данные буфера обмена, INI файлы, не так давно применяемые файлы, расчищает свободное место на диске и очищает файл подкачки и т. д.
UltraSentry is a highly advanced military-grade disk and registry cleaner that has on-board, fully configurable security profiles that can run on demand, as scheduled or upon event. UltraSentry features an impressive range of commands that completely insulate your privacy, security, and computing needs both at work and at home. Schedule UltraSentry to watch over your computer, sensitive files, and protect your privacy while you are away. Set the native profiles (Total System Scrub, Log-off Clean up, & Privacy Guard) to completely erase not only your browser history, but the registry entries, swap file, and free disk space that can point back to your recently used documents, search history, and deleted email. UltraSentry provides the best of breed features available in file deletion utilities plus the advanced range of commands we feel are necessary to ensure total computing security and privacy. All from a company that has spent a decade building a reputation.
Here are some key features of "UltraSentry" :
· Temporary File Cleaning: System Temporary Files: User Temporary Files, Recycle Bin, Internet Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, Clipboard Data
· History Files: Internet Browser History, Recently Used files, Network Places History, Auto-Complete History
· Media Cleaning Operations: My Pictures, My Music, Media Player Recent Files
· Additional Features: Customize Notifications, Password protection, Right click integration, Comprehensive help, Comprehensive Reports
· Advanced Operations: Unused Disk Space, Folder cleaning, Registry Entry Cleaning, INI File (as specified), Swap File, Free Disk Space, Email clean-up
· Advanced Scheduling: Run Daily, Run Once, Run Weekly, Run Monthly, Run on Event
· Security Deletion Levels: DoD Level C, DoD Level D, Shell or create your own?
What else is new in UltraSentry 13?
Digital locker
Securely encrypt and lock any file or folder
Configure digital locker location
Access digital locker through Drop Center or Windows explorer integration
File shredder
Securely delete files and folders so that they are forensically unrecoverable
Configure deletion method and level
Shred files via Drop Center or Windows explorer integration
Drop Center: access UltraSentry from a convenient auto-hiding fly-out menu on your desktop
Lock (encrypt) files on an individual basis with unique passwords for portability or sharing with others
Clean browser histories, cookies, and temporary internet files instantly
Simplified interface and profile builder
Платформа : Windows All Интерфейс : Британский Лечущее средство : patch Размер : 16.58 Mb