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Главная » 2014 » Май » 31 » SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.2.10 Build 13270 RuS + Portable
SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.2.10 Build 13270 RuS + Portable
SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.2.10 Progress 13270 RuS + Portable
NetWorx - программа для учета интернет - трафика и мониторинга скорости Веба на вашем миникомпьютере. Программка действует с хоть которым кабельным либо беспроводным подключением, также модемом, давая комфортную статистику, отчеты и графики.
Вы можете перемерить настоящую скорость и загрузку вашего интернет - подключения, просматривать ежедневные, недельные и лунные отчеты и зарабатывать уведомления о перерасходе трафика. Инетересным применением NetWorx можно называть и контроль за сетевой энергичностью ПК. Если объём трафика вдруг увеличился - вероятнее всего, в системе водворился вирус либо троян.

NetWorx is a simple and free, eventually potent instrument that helps you objectively measure your bandwidth site. You can use it to gather bandwidth use data and measure the speed of your Internet or whatsoever other network association. NetWorx can help you place potential generators of network troubles, see that you do not overstep the bandwidth limits specialized by your ISP, or track down leery network action characteristic of Trojan sawhorses and hack attacks.

The program appropriates you to monitor all your network associations or a specific network association ( such as Ethernet or PPP ) only. The package besides features a organization of extremely customizable ocular and sound alerts. You can set it upwardly to alert you when the network association is down or when some leery action, such as remarkably leaden data flow, happens. It can besides mechanically unplug all dialup associations and shut down the organization.

The incoming and outgoing traffic is constituted on a line chart and lumbered to a file, so that you can forever view statistics about your daily, weekly and monthly bandwidth use and dialup continuance. The reports can be exported to a change of formats, such as HTML, Mississippi Word and Surpass, for further psychoanalysis.

Identify Lineaments

* Clear graphic and/or numeric display.
* Usage reports with export to a variety of file formats, including Excel, MS Word and HTML.
* Permits close supervision of uploads and downloads.
* Works with dial-up, ISDN, cable modems, ADSL, Ethernet cards, and more.
* Includes network information & testing tools with advanced netstat that displays applications using your Internet connection.
* Scalable to your own modem download capabilities.
* Option to notify user or disconnect from the Internet automatically when network activity exceeds a certain level.
* Speed meter to accurately time downloads and report the average transfer rates.
* Dial-up session journal with detailed information about every session.
* Absolutely free and does not contain any adware/spyware/malware.

With NetWorx You Can...

* Find out and monitor how fast your Internet connection is.
* Find out and monitor how much Internet traffic you consume.
* Verify whether your ISP charges your Internet usage fairly.
* Detect a suspicious network activity on your computer.
* Perform simple network tests such as ping and trace route.
* Be notified about excessive Internet usage.

Right - click the NetWorx organization tray picture ( as pictured on the picture ) to bring up the program 's menu. This menu lets you control the utility. Left-clicking the system tray icon displays the current NetWorx state. NetWorx can also display the real time traffic data.

Статус программки: Безвозмездно
Интерфейс: Многоязычный, Российский
Возраст выпуска: 2013
ОС: 98/2K/XP/Vista/7
Размер: 3 Mb

SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.2.10 Build 13270 RuS + Portable

SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.2.10 Build 13270 RuS + Portable

SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.2.10 Build 13270 RuS + Portable

SoftPerfect NetWorx 5.2.10 Build 13270 RuS + Portable

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